Where has the time gone?? It honestly feels like yesterday that this point in the pregnancy seemed so very far off and I can honestly say reality had NOT set in. Well reality today is little Baby B could make his debut any day now and just like that...we will be parents! That. Is. Crazy. So where are we at...is everything ready? Are we ready? When do we think he is going to be here? How are we spending our last few weeks as DINK's? I am more than happy to let you know!
As you saw a couple months back, we enjoyed a completely fantastic vacation with our very good friends the Woolards at the end of September. Since then its been a whirlwind to say the least! We had one free weekend and then it was time for Baby Showers, Baby Showers and more Baby Showers! Oh...and add in some Red October that you know we can't not participate in and that makes for one busy October!! Here are the highlights!
First up was the baby shower thrown by my VERY good friends Melissa and Brandy here in St. Louis. Another very good friend Catherine was gracious enough to host us at her house in Chesterfield. This shower would be a gathering of my best girlfriends I have met while in the real world at Monsanto along with my fabulous neighbors that we love dearly. The theme was vintage baseball and the creativity and attention to detail that my friends put into the shower was incredible. We dined on baseball staples - a nacho bar, mini hot dogs, popcorn and cracker jacks! The ladies decorated burp clothes (that I can't WAIT to see in action) and we had such a great time catching up with everyone. It was a very special day (my first shower) and I truly enjoyed every minute :)
The very next day Bryce and I had our maternity pictures taken - we worked with Amee at Heavens Belongings and had such a wonderful experience. We hadn't had pictures taken of us since our wedding so it was nice to have a family shot with just Bryce, me and Russell!
Just a few days later, my team at work was nice enough to host a shower for me at work. It was a great chance to get away from work for a minute and talk with everyone about the big changes that were coming in our lives - I am so lucky to work with such wonderful people!
We aren't stopping yet!!! Next up was 2 days later..the big show - the hometown shower! Hosted by my Mom, Tara and Rachel I knew it would be nothing short of fabulous! The shower was held at Bogey's café in Springfield and the theme was "Baby It's Cold Outside". SUCH a cute theme with a winter wonderland of pine trees, blue snowflakes, glitter and an amazing lunch by the café! The girls really out-did themselves! We had diaper decorating which will go great with our decorated burp cloths and a really fun game that was really memorable for me. The girls had a list of questions that they asked Bryce...everyone (including me!) had to guess his answers. Bryce and I talk a lot about the baby and life with kids but it was really cool to hear his perspective on things. My favorite question and answer..."What are you looking to most about fatherhood" - His answer: Being a kid again myself. He is going to be an amazing dad :) The shower was a great time and I even got some time with my favorite little ones (and Bingo's first friends) Weston, Ellie and Parker. I still can't get over the generosity of everyone who attended and gave us such thoughtful gifts! It was an awesome mix of people - my very best girlfriends who have been there for me for so long, my mom, aunts, cousins, my mother in law and more of Bryce's extended family, sister in law, beautiful niece (who I can tell is SO EXCITED for this baby to come) former teachers, and our very good friends of the family. What a memorable day!! I wish it could of lasted longer!!
While all of these showers were going on the Cardinals were obviously marching their way through the NLDS, NLCS and of course the World Series!! Bryce and I weren't going to let a little thing like pregnancy get in the way of watching our Cardinals! We were lucky to attend games at Busch for the NLDS (we saw them clinch against the Pirates in Game 5), the Dodgers in the NLCS and Game 5 of the World Series against the Red Sox. Unfortunately the season didn't end with a W but we enjoyed so much of this season and it was a memorable one for us! We can't wait to take Bingo to his first game early next season!
Most of the weeks since our showers have been spent putting the final touches on the nursery and getting the house ready for baby! Having such a small house we have to be extra organized and de-cluttered as much as possible! There have been lots of Goodwill trips and we have organized closets, the office and the kitchen as best we can! We even managed to squeeze in a new furniture purchase for our upstairs living room - no broken couch for Bingo's visitors!! The nursery has come together perfectly! Vintage Cardinals Baseball! I absolutely love it. The clothes, sheets and blankets are washed, toys put away and diapers ready to go. All we need is a baby! Swings and bouncers are put together - if nothing else this kid will have lots of entertainment options!
The last few weeks have been really nice. Work is tapering off and we have had a lot of downtime on the weekends. There is always one more project to get completed or one more thing to put together but I am already able to say "what will be done will be done" and know that there will always be more projects and things to finish...for now we take every day as it comes and are enjoying our downtime! Just this weekend we had a special visit from my good friend Emily and her boyfriend Corrie. We got to spend a lot of time downtown with them Saturday and even made it to the Rams/Bears game today! I mean...38 weeks/2 days seems like the BEST time to take in an NFL game! It went great and I didn't go into labor while at the game - always a good thing :)
Less than two weeks until our due date and we are fully aware that our little man could come at any moment in time. I feel like he will come closer to his due date but you never know! We have both our families coming for Thanksgiving to our house (yes you read that right). I am doing VERY little cooking - we just wanted to be sure everyone was able to be together for the holiday - that was very important to us! Then on Friday the Rockets will play for their 4th state football title in a row. If I have one goal...it is to NOT have the baby on Friday! So very proud of the Rockets - an amazing accomplishment! Hopefully we can put up our Christmas decorations right after Thanksgiving but its OK if that doesn't happen! They WILL be put up though!!
Tomorrow and Tuesday are my LAST two days at work until early March - now THAT is a crazy thought! I am really looking forward to my time off and feel so fortunate to be able to take off the full 3 months. Bryce will even be off with me for the first 3 weeks - which makes me so very happy! I continue to be glued to his side at all times...pregnancy hormones do some funny things :) Speaking of Bryce..just this past Wednesday Bryce's coworkers hosted a surprise shower for him at work. They were nice enough to reach out and invite me to attend - I loved meeting his team and coworkers! He was truly surprised and it was so cute seeing him do the opening of the presents - was a really nice time! (That is 4 showers if you are keeping track).
As far as Bingo goes (yes he will have a name...eventually) he is as active as EVER. Moving like crazy and doing some pretty incredible gymnastics in a very tight space. I still laugh at my growing belly - it really is the only reaction I have to it. Things have gotten a little more uncomfortable (especially at his most active times) but I really haven't had any contractions and I am lucky enough to be getting good sleep. This pregnancy has been so wonderful an easy (yes I know I am lucky) and I have loved every minute - can already tell I may even miss it a little when its over! Hopefully we can experience it all again soon!
We can't wait to meet this little guy - he is truly going to change our lives in so many ways and I can't wait for the good the bad and the ugly!
Until next time....when we are PARENTS!!
Our very best....here is the latest bump pic at 37 weeks!