Sunday, February 17, 2013

Such a great visual

In preparation for my appointment tomorrow I have been looking online for questions to ask, reading other blogs and trying to get as prepared as possible (I am very type A....there is not a "go with the flow" bone in my body).  I found the visual below in the blog of someone I have met through facebook.  It very accurately shows alot of the emotions you go through each month - made me laugh.  My favorite is staying up way to late researching pregnancy symptoms - totally been there done that.  I've been a total crazy person SUPER in tune to every last potential pregnancy symptom every month.  It really does make you a crazy person....not to mention the emotional rollercoaster.  Thats the part I hate the most - hating to hear yet another pregnancy announcement, people younger than me on their second baby, someone telling me to just relax (I'm sorry but it should be illegal to say that to a couple that is struggling with conceiving), advice that all you really need is more sex (no - actually you only need to have intercourse 1x to get pregnant...sorry!), and the list goes on and on. 

Hopefully this graphic won't mean as much to you - which means you haven't had fertility problems.  I wouldn't wish this process on anyone but if you have gone through it at least this will give you a chuckle this Sunday evening. 


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